
A list of all components provided by Panza and their props



A general purpose component that converts props into stylesdefined by our theme. It's heavily inspired by the Basecomponent provided by rebass.


Component any
Custom Component

baseStyle any
The base style will be supplanted by style props, or regular style properties.

style any
Regular style attribute

underlayColor string
Underlay color. Use ‘darken’ to automatically darken the backgroundColor.

m enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Margin based on the configured scale

mt enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Margin top based on the configured scale

mr enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Margin right based on the configured scale

mb enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Margin bottom based on the configured scale

ml enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Margin left based on the configured scale

mx enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Margin x-axis based on the configured scale

my enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Margin y-asix based on the configured scale

p enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Padding based on the configured scale

pt enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Padding top based on the configured scale

pr enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Padding right based on the configured scale

pb enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Padding bottom based on the configured scale

pl enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Padding left based on the configured scale

px enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Padding x-axis based on the configured scale

py enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Padding y-axis based on the configured scale

backgroundColor string
Background color.

rounded union(bool,number)
Border radius

borderColor string
Border color

flex number
Flex property

wrap bool
Flex-wrap property

column bool
Set the flex-direction to column

row bool
Set the flex-direction to row

align string
Align-items property

justify string
Justify-content property

height number
The height of the element

width number
The width of the element


A general purpose text component whichconverts props into styles defined in the configuration.Unlike Base, TextBase supports special Text props.


Component any

style any

baseStyle any

fontSize enum(0,1,2,3,4,5,6)
text size *

lineHeight enum(0,1,2,3,4,5,6)
text lineheight *
defaultValue: 1

color string
text colour *
defaultValue: 'default'

textAlign string
text alignment *

bold bool
bold font weight *

thin bool
thin font weight *

thick bool
thick font weight *

inverted bool
use the inverted color (by default, white) *

m enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Margin *

mt enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Margin top *

mr enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Margin right *

mb enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Margin bottom *

ml enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Margin left *

mx enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Margin x-axis *

my enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Margin y-asix *

p enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Padding *

pt enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Padding top *

pr enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Padding right *

pb enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Padding bottom *

pl enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Padding left *

px enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Padding x-axis *

py enum(0,1,2,3,4)
Padding y-axis *

backgroundColor string
Background color *

rounded union(bool,number)
Border radius *

borderColor string
Border color *

flex number
flex property *

wrap bool
flex-wrap property *

column bool
set flex-direction to column *

row bool
set flex-direction to row *

align string
set align-items property *

justify string
set justify-content property *

height number
set the height of the element *

width number
set the width of the element *



A basic button that inherits from Base, and provides colourizationbased upon background color configuration.
Composes: Base, Text, Icon


tiny bool
button size

small bool

medium bool

large bool

giant bool

primary bool
Uses the primary colour to style the button.

secondary bool
Uses the secondary colour to style the button.

positive bool
Uses the positive colour to style the button.

negative bool
Uses the negative colour to style the button.

default bool
Uses the midgray colour to style the button.

outline bool
Use an outline button style *
defaultValue: false

disabled bool
disables the button, and reduces its opacity
defaultValue: false

rounded union(number,bool)
defaultValue: 6

onPress func

underlayColor string

backgroundColor string

borderColor string

block bool
stretch the button width
defaultValue: false

icon union(string,node)
optional icon string or node

size __
defaultValue: 'medium'



rounded union(bool,number)

vertical bool

segmented bool
A helper to create segemented controls that align together *



A very basic Card wrapper
Composes: Base


inverted bool


A very basic card header, which includes an optional avatar,title, subtitle, and children
Composes: Base, Image, Text


avatar union(string,node)

title union(string,node)

subtitle union(string,node)



Our base icon component that all other iconscompose. It uses ionicons, as provided byreact-native-vector-icons


name string (required)

size number
defaultValue: 25


Our base icon component that all other iconscompose. It uses Ionicons 3, as provided byreact-native-vector-icons on Android and iOS.To use this on the web, you must include a linktag to the Ionicons 3 stylesheet.Platforms: ios, android, web
Composes: TextBase


name string

size number
defaultValue: 35

color string



size number
defaultValue: 25

name string


A basic CheckMark that can either be uncheckedor checked.Platforms: ios, android, web
Composes: Base, Icon


isChecked bool
defaultValue: false

size number
defaultValue: 30

uncheckedColor string
defaultValue: 'light'

checkedColor string
defaultValue: 'positive'

checkMarkIconName string
defaultValue: 'ios-checkmark-circle-outline'

uncheckedIconName string
defaultValue: 'ios-radio-button-off'








A touchable wrapper for <Icon />


onPress func (required)

accessibilityLabel string (required)

disabled bool

style object



Fade-in an image when it loads.


fade bool
defaultValue: true

onLoadEnd func

height number

width number

circular bool
set the border radius to be fully round (given an equal height/width)
defaultValue: false

style any

source object (required)

resizeMode string
defaultValue: 'cover'

rounded union(number,bool)
the border radius of the image
defaultValue: false



A basic input
Composes: Text


tiny bool

large bool

small bool

medium bool

giant bool

inverted bool

placeholderTextColor string
defaultValue: '#888'

Static navigation bar that mimics that foundwithin ReactNative. To be used when you want a staticrepresentation of the NavBar, without transitions.
Composes: Base, NavTitle


title string

LeftButton node

RightButton node

style any

transparent bool

backgroundColor string

titleColor string

inverted bool

A wrapper for <Icon /> that positions it correctlyin a navigation bar.


Renders text stylized for the Navigation Bar title.On iOS it composes PrimaryText.On Android, it composes LargeText.
Composes: Text


label string

color string

style any

inverted bool

Wrap Icon components within NavTouchableIcon for displayof an Icon in the Navigation bar. You may need to fiddlearound with the sizing of the Icon on android and ios devicesto ensure that they look right.


onPress func (required)

Makes a touchable text component for the NavBar. Typicallyused on iOS.
Composes: TextBase


disabled bool

color string
defaultValue: 'primary'

bold bool

inverted bool



Display an error, with messages and actions dependingupon the user state. Particularly useful with Relay.Rendererwhen an error state and retry function are provided.


retry func (required)

message string
defaultValue: 'Hmm, loading appears to be taking a while.'

detailMessage string
defaultValue: 'It\'s possible that our server are under heavy load, ' + 'or that your internet connection is slow. Please try again.'

offlineMessage string
defaultValue: 'Please ensure that you are connected to the internet.'

style any

isOffline bool
defaultValue: false

inverted bool


Displays a loading indicator, and on iOS an optionalloading message.


isLoading bool
defaultValue: true

large bool
defaultValue: false

color string
defaultValue: 'gray'

showText bool
defaultValue: true

loadingText string
defaultValue: 'Loading...'

alignTop bool
defaultValue: false

inverted bool


showing bool (required)

onRequestClose func (required)

autoDismiss bool
defaultValue: true

showCancel bool
defaultValue: true

backgroundColor string
defaultValue: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)'

modalProps object
defaultValue: {}

customHeader node

options union(arrayOf,arrayOf) (required)



A simple component used to separate rows, with anoptional inset margin on the left or right.


inset number
defaultValue: 0

insetRight number
defaultValue: 0

inverted bool
Use the inverted colour *


SectionHeader is used for rendering a section header within a ListView.Supply text as the child.
Composes: Base


backgroundColor string
defaultValue: 'gray'


The basic RowCell for use within ListView. It displaysan image, primary text, secondary text, a value,and an arrow right icon if the respective props arespecified.Platforms: ios, android, web
Composes: TouchableRowCell, Image, Text


primaryText union(string,node)

secondaryText union(string,node)

value union(string,node)
A value attribute of the cell, to appear on the right

onPress func (required)

image union(object,node)
An thumbnail to be displayed on the left of the cell

height number

inverted bool

showMore bool
Displays a right arrow on the right hand side of the cell


A touchable row cell container, typically usedrendering rows in a <ListView>.


onPress func

disabled bool
defaultValue: false

highlighted func
defaultValue: function noop () {}

showMore bool
defaultValue: true

showMoreProps object

underlayColor string
defaultValue: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'

height number



An InputTouchable with a plus icon. This is typically usedwithin the context of an InputGroup consisting ofremovable inputs.Platforms: ios, android, web
Composes: InputTouchable, Icon


backgroundColor string

onPress func (required)

label string (required)

disabled bool


InputDatePicker a cross-platform InputRow inputtingdates.On iOS devices, the row examples to revealDatePickerIOS when selected. The humanized date shouldbe supplied as the value prop, and it should beupdated when the value of the date-picker changes.On Anroid, the date-picker prompts the user to selecta date in a modal menu.Platforms: ios, android
Composes: InputTouchable


expanded bool (required)

onToggleExpansion func (required)
function called to toggle the visibility of the date-picker. (iOS only) *

value string
the currently selected date to be displayed in collapsed row. *

maxDate string

minDate string

label string

mode string

date object (required)

onDateChange func (required)

editable bool
defaultValue: true

inverted bool



An input row field that expands when pressed to reveal itschildren.Platforms: ios, android, web


expanded bool (required)

Row node (required)


Wrapping components with InputGroup gives you theoption of giving Inputs dividing borders, dividingborders with an inset, a top border (with a unique inset value),a bottom border (with a unique inset value), shared backgroundcolours, margins, and a label. You could supply your ownchild components, too.Platforms: ios, android, web
Composes: Base, Divider, SectionHeader


style object

inset number
left margin inset for the divider border (excluding top and bottom)
defaultValue: 0

showTopBorder bool
show the top border
defaultValue: true

showBottomBorder bool
show the bottom border
defaultValue: true

showBorder bool
whether to show the dividing border
defaultValue: true

topInset number
left margin inset for the top border
defaultValue: 0

bottomInset number
left margin inset for the bottom border
defaultValue: 0

label string
a label for the input group

backgroundColor string

inverted bool


InputHelpText is typically used after an InputGroup tooffer additional information about the above inputs. This isjust a simple wrapper around Text with some paddingprovided, and the text color set to light.Platforms: ios, android, web
Composes: Text


inverted bool


InputPicker provides a unified API for Android and iOSpicker rows.On iOS, when the user selects the picker row, the row expands toreveal the children. The value prop that appears alongsidethe right of the picker row will typically be a humanizedversion of the selected value in the picker.On Android, we display the picker as the row itself. Whenselected, the picker prompt will occur. A label isrendered above the picker. The value prop is ignored,since the Android picker already prints the value for us.Platforms: ios, android
Composes: InputTouchable, InputExpandable


onToggleExpansion func (required)
a function called when toggling the visibility of the picker. (iOS only)

editable bool
defaultValue: true

value string
the picker value displayed in the row. (iOS only)

label string (required)
the label for the picker *

expanded bool
controls whether the picker is visible. (iOS only)

backgroundColor string


A collection of RowActions to be displayed behinda revealing row.


style any


A row action that hide underneath the row, suchas 'Delete', or 'Edit', etc.



Remove button


An Input field with a lot of added functionality. You'd typicallywant to wrap this within an InputGroup.Platforms: ios, android, web
Composes: RevealingRow, InputRowCell, RemoveButton, Input, Base, Text, RowAction, RowActions


label string

autoFocus bool

removable bool
defaultValue: false

placeholder string

vertical bool

onSelectLabel func

onChangeText func (required)

value union(string,node)

backgroundColor string
defaultValue: 'white'

editable bool
defaultValue: true

labelWidth number

verticalHeight number
defaultValue: 80

onRequestRemove func

height number
defaultValue: 50

icon node

inverted bool

condensed bool

multiline bool


A simple component that is used to wrap various Input Rows.It provides a fixed height, and other default styles.Platforms: ios, android, web
Composes: Base


height number
defaultValue: 50


Input Option


onPress func (required)

backgroundColor string
defaultValue: 'midgray'

label string (required)

textColor string
defaultValue: 'white'


Revealable row options container. Typically usedto delete a row.


height number
defaultValue: 40

options array


A row with a label and switch, allowingthe user to toggle a boolean value.Platforms: ios, android
Composes: InputRowCell, Switch


style any

value bool (required)

backgroundColor string
defaultValue: 'transparent'

label string (required)

onValueChange func (required)

editable bool
defaultValue: true

switchProps object

onTintColor string
defaultValue: 'success'


An InputTouchable is typically used within the context of anInputGroup, when you want the user to select a value from anotherListView, PopupMenu, etc. It's a very simple wrapper aroundTouchableRow, to make it play nicely with other Input components.Platforms: ios, android, web
Composes: TouchableRow, Text


backgroundColor string
defaultValue: 'white'

label union(string,node) (required)

icon node

image object

value union(string,node)

showMore bool
defaultValue: false

condensed bool

onPress func (required)

disabled bool
defaultValue: false

labelColor string
defaultValue: 'default'

inverted bool


ReavealingRow enables a row to have revealed optionsthat appear, for instance, when editing it.Platforms: ios, android, web
Composes: Base


showingOptions bool (required)
defaultValue: false

revealedContent node (required)

backgroundColor string
defaultValue: 'white'



Basic Text Component that provides shorthands for sizing,lineHeight, and fontWeights.


tiny bool

small bool

medium bool

large bool

giant bool

thin bool

thick bool

bold bool

inverted bool

lineHeight number

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